GET LIFETIME ACCESS to Message to Millions™ Mastery – LIMITED TIME OFFER

“Let Me Show You Exactly How YOU Can Go from Best-Kept Secret to International Speaker and Even a
Television Celebrity, All By Following My Step by Step
Straight-to-the-Point M2M System!”

Discover the proven formula to get seen, be heard, make more and #ReachMillions with your message

Dear Friend

Are you frustrated watching people in your field with WAY less experience and talent receive the recognition and media attention that (in all honesty) YOU deserve?

Are you sick and tired of buying online trainings and following system after system only to end up more confused?

Here’s why most programs let you down – they may have some good information, but most are showing you only one piece of a full system.

Should you be focusing on your website? Social Media? Getting on stages? Getting media? Building an audience?

All are important, but none of them is enough on its own.

I know this first-hand as I have invested in programs over the years only to realize that I needed the step before or the step after to make them work for me. In my work as a marketing coach, I saw a lot of other brilliant professionals have the same disappointing experience.

They deserved to be the ones getting their message out, getting media attention and getting well paid for their expertise and experience. And so do you!

So I decided to do something about it!

Which is why I’m about to show you the complete 12 – step system I’ve developed over 7 years of working with CEOs and top professionals, so that you can get the results you want in record time…and get YOUR Message to Millions ™!

 How Would You Like to….

  • Create a Clear, Easy to Understand Message that has Massive IMPACT and Appeals DIRECTLY to Your Target Audience
  • Establish Your Celebrity Brand Consistently and Credibly Across All Of Your Materials, Websites and Social Media
  • Become a Bestselling Author, World Renowned Speaker and even Appear on TV as a Guest Expert
  • Get Your Message Out There In a Big Way – Play the Bigger Game NOW Instead of Sitting on the Sidelines
  • Have the Full Step-By-Step Gameplan and Technology Set Up For Business, Web, Social Media, Book, Stage and TV

If You Answered YES to Any of These, You are in The RIGHT PLACE.

My name is Tracy Repchuk and I’ve spent my entire career on a computer and as a self employed entrepreneur. I graduated from College in 1985 as a computer programmer, started a software company at the age of 19, and in 1994 when the internet emerged – I was there developing websites and creating search engine optimization strategies. For almost three decades I have guided government, non-profit, banks, and fortune 500 companies in business systems automation, best practices and profitable marketing strategies.

In 2006 I reinvented everything, walked away from the comfort of my multi-million dollar software company, moved my family from Toronto, Canada to California to focus on helping business owners, coaches, and professionals who were in confusion, uncertainty or simply ready for rapid growth to quantum leap to the next level. 

At that time I was ready for a change – my 40th birthday was the next year and even though I had it all – great business, amazing husband, 3 fantastic kids, and I lived in a 16 acre estate in a monster home,

practically in retirement – it was not enough. I was personally and spiritually unfulfilled. I needed to come out from behind the computer, become the leader and make the impact I was meant to make. 

Have you ever felt this way…
That you are not doing what you’re supposed To Do?

I Was Terrified To Walk Away From Everything I Knew – My Home, My Business, My Country – I Took the Risk so You Don’t Have To.

What I did was drastic, and some would say crazy. Have you ever had that feeling inside that compels you to take the risk, go for it, and make it happen no matter what?

I had no logical answer for why everything had to change, but when I get that feeling – you know the one I’m talking about right – I have to bypass fear, logic, friends, family, and circumstances to accomplish it.

The risks were enormous. More than I can even share here – but 7 years later I can say it was the greatest accomplishments of my life – so far.

I even invested in myself like never before. It wasn’t until I discovered internet marketing that I found out I could hire someone or use products that already paved the path I was about to walk. It was a mind blowing discovery for me. Coming from the software industry where everything was secret and nobody shared anything until it was launched, and nobody helped each other with that launch – this whole concept of getting help was absolutely foreign to me. I consumed information, mentors, coaches, products, systems and strategies like a starving cat.

And as a result, I made the biggest quantum leaps of my life – with a 4 step approach to marketing.

Here’s the Good News for You – I Did All The Work So You Can Benefit Today

I feel incredibly blessed when it comes to being an entrepreneur. Not because anything was handed to me. I built my business from scratch, the hard way. Until I got into internet marketing, I didn’t know you could hire people to help you, get coaches, information and mentors to accelerate your results. Once I knew I could get help – I got it every step of the way.

Here are the results… all laid out for you in detail.

These includes the investments I made to learn how to:

Become a 5-Time International bestselling author with Wiley Publishing,

Get picked up by North America’s Largest publisher for Business – Wiley Publishing

Secure a top New York literary agent to represent my book deals

Speak on stage as the top women speaker for internet marketing in the world in over 35 countries

Become a trusted resource for internet and social media for over 25 TV networks

Become a global thought leader and business empowerment coach for women

Emerge as an award winning entrepreneur, speaker and writer

… And I helped thousands
of people and businesses develop a fully branded end to end website presence in under 60 days…..


Do you like to take the long hard, expensive way or would you like to take the Short Cut?

If you are like most entrepreneurs you’ll want to take my short cut.

My mission became very clear as my opportunities increased – to take what I have learned and make it easy for you to duplicate so that you can attract your ideal client, catapult your sales, and reach millions with your message.

If you’re a Coach,


Professional business owner

or Someone who knows they can be getting much better results

You’ll be excited to find out that I have laid out ALL THE DETAILS for you.

Get Ready To:

  • Increase Your Income & Influence
  • Attract Your Ideal Clients
  • Master Social Media
  • Develop New Income Streams
  • Grow Powerful Networks And Strategic Alliances
  • Gain Clarity Around Your Niche
  • Make a Living Doing What You Love
  • Create The Impact And Reach Millions So You Can Make a Difference
  • Create Multiple Streams Of Income Using “Next Generation Thinking”,
  • Become a Bestselling Author
  • Get on TV And Broadcast Your Brand To Millions For Free
  • Leverage Multi-Channel Marketing
  • Put on Live Events And Make More In a Weekend Then You Do All Year
  • Get Lucrative Speaking Gigs And Become a World-Renown Speaker
  • Get Traffic And Attention To You And Your Business

Imagine how amazing your life would be if…

  • You sold 10 extra products
  • Booked 3 extra gigs
  • Got 2 TV appearances
  • Had a clearly defined brand
  • Was doing social media properly
  • Had a clear message that attracted your ideal client
  • Held your own mega profitable event
  • Got rid of the jobs you hate off your plate and
  • Had a fully optimized business strategy …

what is that worth? $100,000 – $50,000 – $20,000?

How much time would it take for you to research, investigate, and learn each of the 12 critical business factors?

How much money would it take to find a person to teach you each of those?

I can actually answer that – I spent over $250,000 and 5 years to learn, test and summarize what you will learn here

I Knew All of My Clients Needed This… The Good News is You Can Get ALL of These Amazing Skills Without Spending the Time and Money Like I Did

Imagine how amazing your life would be if…

  • Spending the right money, at the right time
  • Investing in traffic strategies when you are ready to leverage it
  • Creating Your Book without a back end.
  • Becoming a speaker but don’t professionally match online
  • Pursuing TV, Radio or other publicity without a lead capture system

The list goes on and on, and so do most of your purchases. You buy something you don’t need yet – and what you need still goes undetected. You can’t see the forest for the trees. Or even worse, you don’t know what you should be doing first because you have only been exposed to mentors, trainers, and education that is specific, and not holistic to the entirety of your business.

I deal with ALL of you. That doesn’t mean that I have all the answers you will ever need. It means you will have ALL the answers you need when it comes to getting a foundation in each of the elements, and getting it going. Then you will know what you need to spend more time on later.

It’s about knowing where to spend your money, and what you already have in place.
It’s about you getting all the primary factors in place for your ultimate business foundation and success.

Right Now Get Your Answers to the Fastest Way to the Cash.

There Are 4 Keys I Discovered To Reach Millions With Your Message.

You are going to gain access to the system that will teach you what works, what was tested, what was added to and what will Quantum Leap Your Results.


Since 1992 I have been online, developing websites, brands, applying SEO techniques and creating an impact. You will be given the blueprint to crack the internet and social media code.


You will receive the blueprint to a bestseller launch (I am a 5-Time International Bestselling Author) and every book I have launched went bestseller.

I tell you the tips, tricks, strategies and methods I used to make that happen, along with how to launch a product plus the secrets to a telesummit versus a teleseminar launch.

In fact I have made over 45 #1 International bestselling authors with my proven launch strategies.



I used to have a $5000 per person speaker training course which contains the format for your presentation, and how to book speaking gigs, where to find them, and strategies I applied to speak in over 35 countries – accelerating my speaking career, never paying for a vacation and becoming one of the top women speakers in the world for internet marketing. You get it all.


Learn how I impacted over 20,000,000 people last year alone, got on every TV network and station I spoke to, and you’ll receive the segment proposal template, my samples that were all accepted, how you find the stations and contacts, and a list of all the newspapers with contact details so you can reach millions too.

Are You Ready to Be the Brand and Finally Get Your
Message to Millions™ ?

  • You get the exact steps I used to reach 22 million people in 3 years, all in a 1 year mastermind
  • The elements to keep working over & over thru year as building blocks that you recraft, reanalyze & adjust as you grow
  • Timeless principles with practical instruction you can reapply as you get more sophisticated and raise your price out of the reach of the people you currently serve
  • See what lays in front of you as you constantly move out of your
  • comfort zone and make big investments in yourself
  • Everything I do/teach is what I’ve done myself

Best Of All…

  • Move Through At Your Own Pace
  • Master Each Module For Immediate Business Benefit
  • Join a Community Where You Will Be Lifted As You Climb
  • Lifetime Access So You Can Revisit As Your Brand Evolves For Continued Reinvention

Remember you will gain immediate access to the first lesson, the video, the notes and if at any time during the first 30 days you feel like the data, and future module topics won’t be worth your time – then drop out and the free ticket to my Business Online Mastery 3 days of training is yours to keep just for your time and effort.

Expand Your Business with the Key Data That Took me 5 Years to Accumulate so You Can Expand Your Business, Change Your Life and Catapult a Message That Converts!

Here are some of the success strategies you’ll take home with you:

  • Craft your message so the world understands.
  • Defining the elements that make your brand.
  • Identifying the pieces you need and how it all works together.
  • Knowing what to do, when to do it, what to say, and where to do it.
  • Getting the stuff you hate off your plate.™
  • Launching your site, service, coaching, product, book or you.
  • Make money from the stage, keynoting, the phone or 1 on 1.
  • Leveraging mass media to make an impact.
  • Market funnel and creation of a cash flow from every angle.
  • Best traffic methods for your business, products and services.
  • Make as much in a weekend as you do in a year.
  • Be seen everywhere and cash in on your mojo.

Here’s What You’re Going to Receive in Each One of the 12 Modules

Message to Millions™ has as it’s focus – 4 Main pillars – Get Seen – Be Heard – Make More and Reach Millions

Then within each of those is 3 core modules to help you with each of those goals


1. Crafting Your Message

2. Being Brand You

3. Online Mastery

Be Heard

4. Social Media Mastery

5. Product Launch Foundation

6. Speaker Secrets


7. Your Million Dollar Design

8. Superstar Selling Strategies

9. Outsourcing Shortcuts


10. Getting on TV

11. Traffic Hurricane

12. Your Own Events

Best of all, you will have lifetime access because you’ll want to visit each of these modules over and over again they are so complete and detailed.

I’ve Put Together 12 Separate Disciplines of Critical Elements to Quantum Leap Your Results.

Module #1: Crafting Your Message Learn to Craft your message so the world understands.

When you meet someone or they come to your website, they need to know what you can do for them at a glance. If after minutes of you rambling, or if your site overwhelms with the hundreds of services you provide, you’ll find your potential client leaves and continues their search. Moreover, this will affect your confidence and add to your own confusion.


  • How to Set Your Personal Compass so that NOTHING Can Shake You From Your Purpose
  • Learn the Secrets to How to Reach the Number of People You Want and Make Your Impact
  • 3 Must Have Essentials to Prepare You For Your ‘Oprah’Moment
  • How to Crack the Code of Your Target Market and Make it Irresistible to Buy From You
  • The #1 Way to Easily Play ALL IN for Guaranteed Success
  • 3 Key Factors that Propel Your Business Growth
  • What Game Changers You Need to Quantum Leap Your Results Every Year
  • How to Choose the Perfect Promotion Channels to Reach Millions with Your Message

Module #2: Being Brand You Defining the elements that make your brand.

You get the coveted methods to branding yourself so people remember you, trust you and want to do business with you. If you don’t think brand matters, then you have a long hard climb up to get noticed.


  • 3 Elements to Elevating Your Expertise and Being Known for Exactly What You Want
  • Learn the Full Extent of Being “Brand You” Far Beyond Your Websites
  • Discover Step by Step How to Get Right What Even Web Developers Get Wrong
  • Avoid 2 Shocking Mistakes that Make Visitors Leave Your Websites in Seconds
  • Get Top Secret Tools to Design Killer Logos and Websites
  • Stand Out Above the Sea of Sameness, Get Noticed, and Get Booked
  • What Your Brand Should Look Like & Say so Your Prospects Want More
  • 3 Critical Steps to Take In Your Business At This Time
  • Finely Tune Your Marketing Hat and Outsmart Your Competition

Module #3: Online Success Strategies Identifying the pieces you need online and how it all works together.

In a world where you only have 3 seconds to make an impression, everything matters. Color, layout, navigation, images, copywriting… and if one thing is off, you’ve lost a potential customer when you didn’t have to.


  • The Key to Rapidly Accelerating Your Online Presence
  • How to Test if Your Site is Working
  • How to Get a Sneak Peak into Your Competitor’s Website Strategy
  • How to Stand Out when You Are In the Highly Competitive World of Network Marketing
  • Know Which Elements of Internet Marketing You Should Learn and What to Leave
  • Gain Clarity on what Role the Internet Plays in Reaching Millions with Your Message
  • Your 30 Day Master Blueprint for Traffic
  • Discovery the Big Illusion That Can Shut Down Your Business
  • How to Be Fully Prepared for Your Oprah Opportunity
  • Three Domain Naming Strategies to Get the Results You Want

Module #4: The Science of Social Media Knowing what to do, when to do it, what to say, and where in Social Media.

Social media is the new game in town and nobody really told you the rules. This resulted in confusion, overwhelm and an approach to social media that borders between throwing spaghetti on the wall and a show down in the wild west. The solution is simple – when you understand what, where and why.


  • Discover What You Must Have BEFORE Spending Time on Social Media
  • Finally Get The Piece That’s Missing From Social Media Techniques
  • Find Out The Real WHY You Are On Social Media
  • Find Out The Real Power of Google+ and Why You Should Do This FIRST
  • Know WHAT to Do, and WHERE to Reach Your Target Audience
  • There Are Only 3 Reasons You Need to be on Social Media Learn How to Master Them
  • Crack the Code to Strategically Using the Important Part of FaceBook
  • How to Set up Your LinkedIn Profile to Get Profile Strength of an All-Star
  • Learn How to Harness Twitter as a Niche Market Research Tool
  • Highly Effective Ways to Engage Followers and Know How to Approach Them

You get the exact steps I used to reach 22 million people last year, all in a one year long comprehensive system.

You keep working over & over creating the building blocks so you can grow.

They are timeless principles with practical instruction you can reapply for years to come.

You will also set new targets and goals as you see what lays in front of you as you constantly move out of your comfort zone and create a bigger impact.

Even better, everything I do/teach is what I’ve done myself. This isn’t the theory of building a business, increasing your income and raising your authority and credibility – it’s living proof from myself and clients.

Here’s why that will happen if you choose to
invest in the Message to Millions™ Mastery…

  • You will save yourself 7 years of running all over the place trying to piece these strategies together.
  • You will save yourself tens of thousands of dollars getting just the answers you need in the order you need them.
  • You will save hundreds of wasted hours implementing just what you need to get in place now.
  • It’s the exact sequence I took to reach millions.
  • It’s the education I spent over $250,000 on, compressed into one online learning system.
  • It’s the path I took my $20,000 VIP Platinum clients through, for massive results.
  • It’s 5 years of my life, laid out in step by step detail, complete with samples, blueprints and systems I created to reach the success I did.
  • And you get it all in one place, with LIFETIME access.
  • You get to go at your own pace.
  • You get a refresher on anything you think is already completed, just to make sure nothing is missing.
  • One missed item in an online strategy could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in conversions.
  • Outsourcing strategies complete with the pros and cons and how to avoid the pitfalls, can help you get your time back so you can focus on making money not on things you shouldn’t be doing.

All the steps you need to be a messenger, reach communities, and impact the planet in positive way. It’s the detailed blueprint so you can create a fully customized plan to follow and have the Complete Clarity you have searched for.

Are You Ready to Achieve Certainty and Peace of Mind?

Over the past 8 years I have conducted annual mastermind sessions with VIP Platinum clients who were paying anywhere from $12,000 – $75,000 to have me build their websites, consult and mentor them and be part of a high level mastermind.

The results and feedback were phenomenal as they said the information I provided in EACH module was worth the thousands they paid.

After creating and testing the lesson materials and topics, 12 of the most desired issues were addressed that can impact your business in EVERY facet from customer attraction, conversion, retention – to impact, reach, purpose, mission, income, profits, speed, focus, and branding, internet, social media, traffic, speaking, TV and media, PR, outsourcing, book launch, product launch, telesummits, multiple streams of income – I integrated the exact answers and path I took so you can quantum leap your way to massive success.

Then I asked the current members what should I charge? I got ranges from $1000 per module so $12,000 to $3500 for those who need guidance and can’t afford the true value right now. The answer provided me with two things I was looking for and that was

> Those participating truly saw the value and results quickly.

> I need to make it affordable so that you can save the $150,000 and years of time I invested in learning all of this.

So if trainings like this showed you how to book 3 speaking engagements and helped you to make $10,000 in keynote fees – what would it be worth to you?

If these trainings showed you how to modify your brand and websites so that it made the impression you needed to, and this resulted in more people opting in and buying your products and services – what would that be worth to you?

If you got on TV and said your landing page domain or promoted your book to millions of people at a time – what would that be worth to you?

If you had the secrets to selling your high end products quickly and easily, in as little as a few touch points – what would that be worth to you?

If you could see how to take your one core idea and content and sweep it across multiple streams of income to create your million dollar design – what would that be worth to you?

I ask you this because I want this decision for you to invest in yourself today be an easy one for you to make.

I could say a price, and if you haven’t asked yourself those questions, it may seem high.

By asking yourself those questions, I want it to seem brutally and insanely low.

So low, you almost hesitate because you are afraid now the content and value isn’t there. You swing to being afraid that this has been thrown together from bits and pieces of information I have gathered.

But then you feel like you have nothing to lose – because you don’t.

What if you checked it out, got a look at that first lesson, knowing it was one of 12 lessons, knowing that it is the first step of your solid foundation and even if you had that fully in place, you still would stay (even though the guarantee says you can opt-out right now and get your money back) because you have been given the confidence that you have step 1 mastered, and are eager to see the next module – Being Brand You.

And every month you continue to be amazed at the content and guidance the system provides for you.

The community you have access to (Yes I’m going to open up my private VIP Platinum community to you) is priceless and that this is a limited time offer and that once I have hit 500 members, the doors will close and that information is gone to you.

Between my computer degree and accounting designation I love logic and structure. When you combine that with my 30 years in marketing, and 20 years developing websites and working online, it’s an unprecedented combination for a full online strategy that has your marketing needs in mind.

There’s no doubt I want you to get these results and to make your decision even easier – so I’m going to sweeten the pot with these specific bonuses when you place your order today.

ORDER NOW And You’ll Also Receive These Gifts, Worth at Least $22,497 Absolutely Free!

And When You Sign Up Today,

You’ll Get These 4 Bonuses for FREE!

BONUS#1 Worksheets & Guides

In every lesson you get a full worksheet and guide that you fill out your information in, ultimately ending up with a full business plan that you can continue to apply over and over for repeated planning and success. (Value: $1,000)

Bonus#2 Free Website Review!

Throughout the year I will hold website review sessions – where you can schedule a review of your website and I will personally do it live on the call. Only for Message to Millions™ Members.
(Value: $500)

Bonus#3 My Private Community

Lifetime access to my private client community where you will meet outstanding people who will help you, promote for you, encourage you, share with you and I visit in there every day providing advice and insights. (Value: $20,000)

Bonus#4 A Day with Tracy

Imagine finally getting the clarity you need for your online presence, social media, message and brand – and then topping it off with a side of 6 Figure Focus training – walking you through the exact blueprint to create, sell, and increase your income over and over. This one day live event will help you catapult your business – Guaranteed! You’ll Finally Understand:


  • What every sale hinges on (that without it you am wasting your breath)
  • The social media secret nobody is telling you
  • How skipping this step keeps you broke
  • A 6 Figure Proven Product Creation Formula
  • How to Create Evergreen Income and Finally Get the Freedom You Dream of
  • The Income Overdnve Formula for Guaranteed Financial Growth

(Value: $997)

Just a Few Hours of Training a Month Could Guarantee Your Success!

You can finally give yourself the help you need, the answers you seek and the clarity you need to move forward effectively and with confidence

Did you know that good time management is simply about making better choices?

Is your message worth getting out there in such a way that your prospects can easily find you, know what you do, and you build a relationship in which they know, like and trust you rapidly to accelerate your sales and conversions.

You are brilliant at what you do, and are destined to make an impact, reach millions and live a legacy, all you need to do is take that first step.

Your Destiny And Opportunity Is Always Outside Of Your Comfort Zone. The Only Thing That Holds You Back – Is You. Choose To Be Great, And Live Your Calling. Get The Answers You Need To Launch – Grow – And Leverage Your Online Presence.

Here’s to your continued awesomeness!

Tracy RepchuK


Establish Your Brand from End to End and Reach Millions with Your Message.


Here’s a summary of everything you’ll receive when you

Join Message to Millions™ Mastery Today


Lifetime Access To The Proven, Step-By-Step Complete Message to Millions Business Results-Focused Success System ($12,000 value)


A group coaching group call every month with Tracy Repchuk – Mentoring, Coaching, Reviews, Guidance and Support ($12,000 value)


Bonus#1: Success Rituals System ($297)


Bonus#2: Social Media Speaker Hacks ($197)


Bonus#3 : Push button podcasting system ($497)


Bonus#4 : Webinar Cash Creation System ($497)


Bonus#5 : Lifetime access to the private support community ($4997)


Bonus#6 : A Day of Training – Live with Tracy ($997)


Bonus#7 : Traffic Hurricane ($297)


Bonus#8 : Million Dollar Copywriting ($497)


Bonus#9 : 7 Figure Blueprint ($497)


Bonus#10 : High Ticket Authority ($497)

The total dollar value of Message to Millions Program and bonuses is over $13273.

Finally… spend less time making more money.

Most Flexible

6 Installments of $379

Make your first payment today and then be billed in 30 day increments.

Best Value


PLUS… You’ll Receive a FULL PAY BONUS: A 1:1 QuantumLeap Strategy Session with Tracy

(lifetime access to the materials/1 year of coaching calls)

Upon payment, you will automatically be sent to register for complete access to the system.

I look forward to helping take your business to the next level.

PS – You get all 12 modules with lifetime access immediately.

I just got off the webinar for Year End. Planning with Tracy Repchuk, and within 30 minutes and with 30 minutes i sold $3000 program from inspirations & lessons she taught on it. You ROCK Tracy.

Marbeth Dunn, Miami FL

It’s amazing how Tracy can take the info you provide from her work sheets and weave them into something so workable

Bruce Merrifield

San Marcos, CA

Tracy’s hands on approach is like none other. She holds nothing back and works to get you results right now. Tracy is the type of coach I strive to be for my clients.

Tara Truax

Ellensburg, WA

Once again I am reminded of how Tracy makes all the mechanics of getting your message clear and out into the world easy and straightforward.

Nicky Marshall


Tracy so thankful our paths crossed. such perfect timing. what an opportunity i have had to witness a genius in action. We are all blessed to have our gifts to serve others, and for you to help us create our unique message in such a simple manner. Thank you for this community of amazing people

Suzi Nelson

Denver Co

I made $11,000 from stage my very first time only because i followed her formula & completely redid my offer and order form

Dr. Elizabeth Naylor

Certified Intrinsic Coach

The webinar – Plan Your Success Strategies That Make the Difference you just finished was beyond excellent – as per your usual. Love how you explain the steps so easily and the mto love it!, cash calendar system rocks and the BONUS elements at the end were awesome (I’d never put it together that way before – can’t wait to get to it!) Without a doubt Tracy – I’ve learned more from you in 3 months of VIP than I have in the last 5 years with every other coach, mentor or program I’ve invested in.THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Sam Rafoss

Calgary Alberta

Tracy so thankful our paths crossed. such perfect timing. what an opportunity i have had to witness a genius in action. We are all blessed to have our gifts to serve others, and for you to help us create our unique message in such a simple manner. Thank you for this community of amazing people

Suzi Nelson

Denver Co

I made $11,000 from stage my very first time only because i followed her formula & completely redid my offer and order form

Dr. Elizabeth Naylor

Certified Intrinsic Coach

The webinar – Plan Your Success Strategies That Make the Difference you just finished was beyond excellent – as per your usual. Love how you explain the steps so easily and the mto love it!, cash calendar system rocks and the BONUS elements at the end were awesome (I’d never put it together that way before – can’t wait to get to it!) Without a doubt Tracy – I’ve learned more from you in 3 months of VIP than I have in the last 5 years with every other coach, mentor or program I’ve invested in.THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Sam Rafoss

Calgary Alberta

 PPS. If you have any questions give us a call at the office. Phone: 818.859.7210

Tracy Repchuk As Seen On …